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Int 17 Fn 63  U - T2ps V1.0 - Set Parameters                               [P]

   AH = 63h
   ES:SI -> settings (see below)
Program: T2PS is a shareware ASCII-to-PostScript converter by A.N.D.

See Also: AH=62h,AH=64h,INT 05/AX=4E57h

Format of settings:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    LPT port number (0=LPT1, etc.)
 02h   WORD    page heigh in points
 04h   WORD    page width in points
 06h   WORD    top margin in points
 08h   WORD    bottom margin in points
 0Ah   WORD    left margin in points
 0Ch   WORD    right margin in points
 0Eh   WORD    font size in points
 10h   WORD    tab size
 12h   WORD    timeout in clock ticks

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson